/* Buddy system algorithm */ /* Written by Kai Wang */ using namespace std; #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <sstream> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <utility> #define FOR(i, a, b) for (int i=(a); i<=(b); i++) #define REP(i, a) for (int i=0; i<(a); i++) #define all(a) (a).begin(), (a).end() #define sz(a) (int)((a).size()) #define mp make_pair #define y second #define x first #define MEMO_SIZE 21 int main() { /* first of pair is rank of block size, second is it's process */ vector<pair<int, char> > memo; /* 2 MB, '*' indicates empty block */ memo.insert(memo.begin(), mp(MEMO_SIZE, '*')); string cmd; while (cin>>cmd) { cout<<cmd<<" "; char wh=cmd[0]; cin>>cmd; cout<<cmd<<endl; char op=cmd[0]; stringstream ss(cmd.substr(1)); int size; ss>>size; int r=floor(log2(size*1024))+1; typeof(memo.begin()) it; if (op=='+') { it=find(all(memo), mp(r, '*')); /* found an empty block of rank r */ if (it!=memo.end()) { it->y=wh; goto next; } /* divide the first available larger block */ FOR(i, r+1, MEMO_SIZE) { it=find(all(memo), mp(i, '*')); if (it==memo.end()) continue; int time=i-r; while (time--) { it=memo.erase(it); it=memo.insert(it, mp(i-1, '*')); it=memo.insert(it, mp(i-1, '*')); i--; } it->y=wh; break; } } else { it=find(all(memo), mp(r, wh)); it->y='*'; /* try merge neighbour block, left first, than right */ while (it->y=='*') { int id=it-memo.begin(); if (id>=1 && memo[id-1].x==r && memo[id-1].y=='*') { it--; it=memo.erase(it); it=memo.erase(it); it=memo.insert(it, mp(r+1, '*')); r++; goto next_try; } else if (id<MEMO_SIZE && memo[id+1].x==r && memo[id+1].y=='*') { it=memo.erase(it); it=memo.erase(it); it=memo.insert(it, mp(r+1, '*')); r++; goto next_try; } break; next_try:; } } next: REP(i, sz(memo)) { cout<<(int)pow(2, memo[i].x)/1024<<memo[i].y; if (i==sz(memo)-1) cout<<endl; else cout<<" "; } cout<<endl; } return 0; }
内存管理: Buddy system
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